Level Design

Frogs of Rage

Annotated Maps

Overall Room

Nightstand + Bed

Final Level

Link to blog explaining the work I did on this level: Blog

Glass Castle: Tutorial Zone and Hub Zone

Annotated Maps

Final Levels
Tutorial Zone

Hub Zone

World 1 Portal Room

World 2 Portal Room

Link to blog explaining the work I did on this level: https://christiansmithcagd.blogspot.com/p/cagd-495-glass-castle.html

Metro 2033 Inspired Level

This was a level created from scratch in 6 weeks. I was the design lead and the lead level designer so I assembled the level along with doing some simple animations and some VFX. We were trying to replicate the level "D6" from the game as best we could.


Looking from where the train drops the player off over the whole room

Looking into the hole at the center of the level where the player rides the cart down

Final Screenshots

Looking from where the train drops the player off over the whole room
